Monday, 31 December 2018 22:57

Validation Workshop for Developing Feedback and Grievance Redress Mechanism study (FGRM) for Sudan’s REDD+ Programm

27 September 2018

This workshop was intended as a validation workshop for the study of "Developing Feedback and Grievance Redress Mechanism, (FGRM) for Sudan’s REDD+ Programme" undertaken under the REDD+ Sudan. The specific objectives of the workshop were as follows:

  1. Sharing the study and its results with the project stakeholders;
  2. Validation of the study

      3 .Providing a platform for the discussion of developing Feedback and Grievance Redress Mechanism for Sudan’s REDD+ programme issues.

  1. Soliciting and generating recommendations that are likely to help the REDD + and other actors in natural resources management including Government of Sudan and its international partners and civil society organizations SCOs

Participants: The Workshop was attended by 45 persons out of whom 64.4% were males and 35.6% were females. The participants involved a wide spectrum of representation including staff of Forests National Corporation (FNC); Research Institutions; Educational Institutions; Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources; Private sector; Related Ministries (Ministries of Agriculture and Forests, Minerals, Oil and Gas, Animal Resources; Department of Wildlife); Sudanese Agricultural Council; CSOs; and interested researchers and environmental activists

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