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Thursday, 02 January 2020 08:36

World Bank Mission November, 2019

From November 16 to 22, 2019, a World Bank carried   out   the   implementation support mission of the Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) programme in Sudan.

The Scope of the mission focused on two aspects:

Submission and how Execution the Plan for the next year

Reviewing achievements from September 2018 to November 2019

The objectives of the mission were to carry out a quick assessment of the programme’s performance in terms of the achievement of objectives and results.

It  also reviewed some issues in relation to the disbursement of the Supplementary financing had approved.

The mission team conducted a lot of discussions with all the REDD staff PMU , focal points in all states of Sudan ,  some discussions with consultancies and

Discussions with FAO- on REDD+ activities implemented by FAO (FEEL, MRV )

The mission Schedule included multiple meetings and visits, As a starting   point the mission team Visiting the REDD+ program unit in FNC and conducted Meeting with FNC Director General, meeting with the new Minister of Agriculture and Forests and meeting with ministry of Finance /DG of Foreign finance.

The programme within the mission days contained several presentations addressed  many  issues such as general progress of the Sudan REDD+ Programme   , Financial and disbursement Management   , procurement, communications, Mangroof   in Red Sea State , focal points  activities , Besides Some presentations from Core consultancy  under the REDD+ Readiness as Private sector Strategy, SESC Gender mainstreaming Strategy, SESA Strategy (phase 2), A GHG Inventory and Reporting  , Saw Sudan organization  introduced  presentation on  REDD+  : Lesson learn from Sudan Round Trees Networking Initiative, Joint Review with FAO- on FAO Led program activities (FREL, MRV )

World Bank country director held a wrap-up meeting with the members of mission and some representatives of the World Bank in the offices of the World Bank in Khartoum on Thursday as well the ministry of finance wrapped up the mission by another meeting .

In conclusion, the TTL expressed his satisfaction with the project performance so far and she declared Continuation to provide support to successful of implementation of all activities planned under this project.

 The members of mission

The mission was led by Ms. Dora Nsuwa Cudjoe (Senior Environmental Specialist, Task Team Leader) and included, Mr. Alemayehu Belay Zeleke (Environmental Specialist) and others representatives from world bank Khartoum office

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