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Tuesday, 13 June 2017 13:08

Validation workshop for the study of Land use and Land tenure

on 13 June 2017 REDD+ programme PMU was Held The validation workshop Of land Use & land tenure study in at the Headquarter of the REDD+ Programme PMU Khartoum Under The Auspices Of the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry. the objective of This event to Discuss the results of the report .the Study carried out by Consultant in the

Field of land Use & land tenure(Dr. Omer Ajimi).The number of Participants: 90 headed By the minister  of Agriculture and Forestry ,a Representative of the Minister of Environment, Natural Resources, Some Members of Management council Of  Forests National corporation FNC, the Director General Of the FNC, the research, Education And Executive leaders of the Sudan, the media and the relevant sectors of Civil society Organizations and Voluntary Organizations, Number of leaders In FNC.

The workshop contained  three a speeches by the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry ,Director General Of the FNC, the coordinator of REDD+ programme. also it included working paper of study by the consultant .

The workshop Ended with several recommendation  the main of it:

  • The Ministries of Agriculture directing for Activate the Application of the legal obligation of The irrigated and rain fed schemes to leave 5% & 10% respectively of the scheme total area Under tree cover
  • Coordinate with the ministries and Departments related to forests for stop Deforestation caused by illegal Exploitation of the resource
  • Finding Alternative sources of biomass Energy According to Council of Ministers Resolution No. 127 of 2017,acceptance the study and adoption its results