Tuesday, 29 November 2016 13:08

The third meeting of REDD+ Technical Advisory Committee

The second stage of consultation and discussion

The second national workshop for focal points to clear the road map of the second phase of consultation and discussion

The workshop it Held at October 30-31,2016  in Khartoum at the headquarters of The REDD+ programme .It was Attended by focal points of the different states of Sudan. the aim of workshop to discuss the second phase of Consultation and discussion. the workshop it has many recommendations to set up the strategy of Sudan REDD+.

The workshop agenda contained training activities it distribution to four main themes it was delivered by specialized Experts

  1. Development The skills and art of communicate with various levels of humans
  2. The concept of safeguards under REDD+
  3. How to become good presenter
  4. Discuss the work participation and consultation plan and set up the priorities for the strategy

Handover Mission

Mission from World Bank came to Sudan for Projects Handover the duration of Mission from 07-18,October , 2016. The mission focued on the REDD+ from October 9-11 and on the SSNRMP from October 12-17.

The members of mission

Asferachew Abate ,Senior Environmental Specialist, Current TTL for both REDD+ and SSNRMP

John Bryant Collier, Senior Environmental Specialist, Upcoming TTL for both REDD+ and SSNRMP

Dora Nsuwa Cudjoe, Senior Environmental Specialist, Upcoming Co-TTL for both REDD+ and SSNRMP

Nicholas Ole Soikan, Senior Social Development Specialist

The Second Mission from FAO

The general purpose of this mission Support for the Design of the MRV System Monitoring, reporting and verification for (REDD+), Reducing Emission From Deforestation and Forest Degradation in the Framework of REDD+ Readiness in The Sudan” .the  specific target  of mission to kick Start the Activities of update The NFI national forest inventory project (this The first project within the REDD+ Programme in Sudan)

This project will be Implemented within the framework of The agreement signed between FAO and the government of Sudan. this mission Came to Sudan during 18-22 August 2016 .the achievement of this mission Reviewed the TA Technical Assistance for common understanding of the Objectives and expected Results) ,Updated the detailed work plan with FNC Forest National Corporation – REDD+ national coordinator ,attended the Steering Committee Meeting, Updated the procurement plan, Reviewed Available Capacity, Updated the cost for the NFI, Analysis of the latest Version of the NFI Methodology and identification of available experts for NFI, Meeting with RS Remote sensing team.

North Darfur Consultation and Discussion Workshop

Firstly held meetings and discussions with the relevant institutions and Some political authorities in North darfur state for raise Awareness About program and Determine the date of a workshop. the workshop was held at 4,5,2016 . The number of the targeted 90.

The attendance 100 .the workshop was attended by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and irrigation and Minister of pastures, fodder Accredited  El Fasher locality , Minister of Culture and Environment , the Director General The Ministry of Livestock , Director General of The Ministry of Agriculture and natural resources ,the commander of the Western leadership , Director of economic security , the Representative of the Director General of the Ministry of Health , the representative of the President of the legislative Council,  ,Representative of the Director General of the Ministry of Finance , representative of the Director General of the Ministry of Physical Planning , the representative of the Director General of police in the state.

The Forests manager of North Darfur He talked about the Forests and the current situation after the Separation of the south, Accredited  El Fasher locality mention The project is considered one of The Indicators of the Resolution 283 and Touched on The gas project which was implemented in a number of the furnaces in El Fasher.

The Minister of culture and environment Thanked and appreciation the Forest national corporation for its efforts towards the Environment, and referred to the climate changes Which occurred and still are occurring in the world. the Minister of Agriculture praised Fhe Forest national corporation and the REDD+ Program. also he mobilize of all to support the program To ensure prosperity and Balanced Environment For human particularly Human in rural.

In Second Session of papers Presentation the first paper presented by focal Point of state the paper contained The negative Effects that lead to the deforestation and forest degradation as well as the positive Effects of forests and the beneficiaries of the forests the Second paper introduced by focal point of Darfur sector he mention Introduction About the program and its history in the Sudan, and those Who depend on the forests and partners of the  program and The stages of Program implementation and how to involve local communities In the project.

The workshop covering  by all  Sudanese channels and local radio and FM radio Media of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry Shorouk channel and satellite media (SUNA Office of North Darfur) And daily newspapers.


  • Focus on energy alternative projects.
  • Raise the environmental awareness of the rural population and nomads  and raising the capacities of Forests workers
  • Setting a scientific roadmap to assist in the implementation of projects
  • Implementation of program activities, because the current situation requires Reformation

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