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Wednesday, 17 February 2016 13:08

Joint Mission from Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and FAO From United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions From Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD+/Sudan)

The Implementation of the readiness phase of  REDD + programme  has been Funded from Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) by 3.8 million$, and FCPD allocated fund for updating the NFI in Sudan.

Mission from the World Bank and Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and FAO this mission came to Sudan to develop the technical assistant agreement to help Sudan in the monitoring, reporting and verification for Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+), as FAO have excellent experience in this issue and developed new methodologies in Forests National Inventory, GHG and MRV systems, and supported many African Countries in this issue, now  Sudan will take this chance to update the  NFI with new methodologies to update NFI in short of time, this mission came to Sudan during 15-17  February 2016 for technical assistant to develop the Monitoring Reporting and verification program.

The mission discussed different issues related to the NFI such as the tools, equipments, the plan of NFI , methodologies, NFI`s manual, the contribution of the government, training, capacity building and the data collection. and finally the mission visit the State Minister of Ministry of Agriculture , and he appreciated the mission job and promised to facilitate and support the NFI to start in Sudan. from the other side Forests National Corporation welcomed to this mission and counted this mission as very important mission in the area of NFI and sustainability of  management for forests of Sudan and conserve and enhance forest Carbon stocks, also  the Technical Assistance Particularly will establishment of  forest reference emission level/ Reference  level(REL/RL) For REDD+ readiness in Sudan , and the easy, fast  methods in remote Sensing and GIS  and other on new techniques developed by FAO will make sense to develop the system of MRV in Sudan`s Forests . this mission with FNC paln to start the development of MRV system in Sudan within the next six upcoming months.