Monday, 07 September 2015 13:08

Consultation workshop of North Kordfan State

This workshop is the first of the consultation workshops its held on 7-9-2015after launching programme in Khartoum attended by Ms Haddy Jatou Sey Sr. Social Development Specialist from world bank and dr sayeda coordinator of  programme. target group of work shop the :COSs, formal & informal stakeholders NGOs, Government departments,

GAPA Gum Arabic, producers association, Security, policeman, wild life, minister of agriculture , legislative board. the Number of attendance ;informal meeting 76 ,formal meeting  56,workshop 124


  • All the presents agreed to participate in the project activities
  • The participants discuss in depth the main drivers of deforestation in north kordfan and the pathway to rehabilitation the degraded areas
  • The role of different  stakeholders in REDD+ of different stakeholder in REDD+ are very clear
  • The indigenous people practicing gum production  and marketing and beside others cash crops and NWFPs they will contribute positively to  rehabilitation of Gum belt in north kordfan

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