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Tuesday, 15 September 2020 11:28

Riverine Workshop

In the framework of the general policy of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation on Riverine forests, the Riverine Workshop was held in Sennar state on 4 March 2020. The general aim of the workshop was to identify the current state of the Riverine forests and its ecosystem, and their role in mitigating climatic change and to highlight the environmental and societal importance. The workshop was characterized by significant participation from wide sectors with a total of 118 participants (63 female and 80 male). The participants represented relevant authorities that are directly and indirectly linked with the Riverine forests ecosystems.

Riverine Workshop
Riverine Workshop
Riverine Workshop
Riverine Workshop
Riverine Workshop
Riverine Workshop
Riverine Workshop
Riverine Workshop
Riverine Workshop
Riverine Workshop
Riverine Workshop
Riverine Workshop
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