Search Name: Quantifying the changes of land use/cover on Fo
Researcher Name: AbdallaBabeker Ali
University: College of Forestry and Range science Sudan University of Science and Technology Graduation Date: September 2017 Research location: Cerro Forest, Sennar State
Search Name: Degradation of Kodroka Forest – Dongola, Northe
Researcher Name: Eiman Ahmed Hassan
University: Faculty of Forestry University of Khartoum Graduation Date: October 2015 Research Location: Kodroka Forest, Northern State, Dongola
Search Name: The impact of tree belts on agricultural produc
Researcher Name: AltaherBallababikerSuliman
University: Faculty of Forestry (University of Khartoum) Graduation Date: October 2015 Research Location: Gedarif State, Eastern Sudan
Search Name: Degradation of Mangrove Forest
Researcher Name: KhadraSalaheldeen Mohamed Suliman
University: Faculty of Environment and Natural Recourses , Red Sea University Graduation Date: October 2016 Research Location: Red Sea State