Sunday, 10 December 2017 12:09

Exchange visit , Niger

The first observation in this visit is the historic character of the Exchange in terms of connecting the Sudanese and the Niger people. For many centuries, since Islam, Nigeriens have crossed Sudan to reach Mecca, and on return, quite many stayed over in Sudan.

It is estimated that full one third of the present Sudanese people have roots in Niger, and that includes the actual President of Niger and many of his predecessors. However, over all those centuries visits by Sudanese representatives to Niger have been very rare.

The present inter-sector visit by a Sudanese delegation is probably the first ever in history. This has been clearly reflected in the televised reception of the Sudanese delegation, broadcast on various channels. The report is presented in two parts: first the description of daily meetings and innovations visited by the Sudan delegation.

The second part is a series of annexes with detailed information. A large number of photos and film are available separately to the participants. The Niger Exchange and Innovations Study has been supported financially, first and foremost, by DFID (UK Aid), and through 4 partners: World Bank/Redd+ project, IFAD, WFP and ZOA. The 5 organisations deserve our sincere thanks. The action was organised by the UN Environment ADAPT project.

Paul Kerkhof, 17.12.2017

The schedule of visit

Saturday 2.12: Travel and installation

Sunday 3.12: Kouré, Giraffe management by communities

Monday, 4.12: Niamey:The Rural Code.

Tuesday, 5.12: Tchiko and neighbouring agropastoral villages

Wednesday 6.12 : forests of  local communities in Bongo

Thursday, 7.12: Niamey: CNEDD ,Close inter-sector coordination through 3N, Ministry of Water, Niger Basin Authority (NBA)

Friday, 8.12: Agrhymet Regional Centre (ARC) - CILSS, Evening 5 to 6.30 pm, Grand Hotel evening event ,

Saturday, 9.12 : Evaluation, communication and action

Sunday 10.12. Return to Khartoum

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