Tuesday, 16 May 2017 12:09

Khartoum State Consultation workshop

The workshop was held on Tuesday 16/5/2017 at the Legislative Council of Khartoum State Under the Auspices President of the Legislative Council of the Khartoum State )Sadiq Ali Al Shaikh(.the workshop was attended by the Minister of Agriculture  and forestry, the Minister of Agriculture of Khartoum state , and the President of the Higher

Council for Environment, The Director General of the Forest National Corporation, Universities Professors and researchers, Civil society organizations, Private companies, Local Communities, Oil & Petroleum Companies, Media coverage of a workshop that included Newspapers, television And radio.

Objectives of the workshop

  • Awareness about REDD+
  • Collect the relevant stakeholders from different sectors to consult and participate in REDD+ programme
  • Involve decision-makers to develop policies that help enforce this project.

In these workshops two working papers were presented

  • Introduction to REDD+ and an overview of the FCPF Readiness phase
  • Analysis situation of forests in Khartoum state


  • Develop the traditional leaders in the states and involve them protection of forests
  • Issuing resolution for Planting trees in residential complexes
  • Make use of the sewage in the tree-planting
  • Activate the application of the legal obligation of the irrigated and rain fed schemes to leave 5% & 10% respectively of the scheme total area under tree cover.
  • The completion of procedures for the reservation of rural forests

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