Wednesday, 06 April 2016 13:08

Northern State Workshop

The workshop Held on 6\4\2016 after invite the parties related to forests, Headed by Minister of Agriculture  a workshop was held in Agricultural Research Hall Dongola city. was the opening session of the Holy Quran and the word of the Forestry manger of Northern State .Secondly speech  Head of the Higher Council for Environment in

Northern State ,finally a word of The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock ,Fisheries and irrigation in Northern State.

The chairman of second session D.rashid Fiqir. Presented the first paper by the sector coordinator ,the second paper presented by the State coordinator In closing the discussions and recommendations.


  • Establish a nurseries and distribution the seedlings
  • Coordination between the various sectors for implementation the goals
  • Twinning between horticulture and forests
  • Activation of law on planting 5% of the agricultural and investment projects in the form of belts
  • Find sources of energy to maintain the vegetation cover

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