Monday, 15 February 2016 13:08

consultation Workshop Kassala State

The workshop held on Monday 15/02/2016  in  Forestry Hall Kassala State it Attended by a large number From various groups of society Politicians -executives -civil society organizations-academics-local Communities -Activists at voluntary work, The number of participants 72. The workshop started of Reading Holy Quran Then the first paper

contained overview about REDD+ program, the second paper included definition of REDD+ Program ,the third paper on the Free and Prior Informed Consent FPIC .Finally, open discussion.


  • Suitable spaces between forests and grasslands
  • reforming the Degraded  forests
  • Utilization the clean energies to reduce emissions
  • raising awareness for forests communities
  • Planting trees Shelterbelts
  • Activating the laws and legislation
  • Combat Desertification in north of the state

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