The one day workshop was organized in cooperation with the national REDD+ Secretariat and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) at Corinthia Hotel (Souba Hall), Khartoum. The workshop was attended by 36 participants included Representatives from various institutions related to the management of natural resources
workshop was facilitated by the Forests National Corporation FNC and REDD+ coordination unit. This workshop aimed to identify possible objectives and policy requirements of the REDD+ MRV and NFMS, the roles/responsibilities of key institutions relevant to REDD+ MRV, as well as an assessment of gaps, overlaps and training/procurement needs and proposed coordination mechanisms amongst those institutions.
An opening remarks was made by Dr El Hadi – General Manager, Forests National Corporation (FNC). He welcomed the participants and introduced the role of the FNC in Design of a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System, Institutional arrangements and gap analysis,And Mr Babagana Ahmadu – FAO Representative - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
According to the program of the workshop Ms. Rehab Ahmed Hassan, Coordinator National Communications under UNFCCC, Higher Council for Environment and National Resources, Presented paper titled Sudan and its commitments in the framework of UNFCCC
Dr. Syada. Khalil, Coordinator of the Sudan REDD+ program updated the gathering on the achievements of REDD+ Programme in Sudan
Mr. Matthias Lichtenberger, Chief Technical Advisor provided his presentation on Development of a MRV system for the Sudan
Mr. Abdelhamid Hamid, FAO Regional Office in Cairo introduced Presentation about key findings and recommendations on institutional arrangements and gap analysis for the design of a MRV system