Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and Forests National Corporation FNC and REDD+ PMU organized a two days’ workshop on forests Reference (Emission) Levels For REDD+ under the UNFCC at at the grand holiday villa - Khartoum –Sudan from 4-5 April 2018. The main purpose of the workshop is to engage all stakeholders to input on the REDD+ national strategy, which supported by Forest Carbon Partnership .The representatives from all sectors were invited to participated, such as higher council for Environment and natural resources, Wildlife Conservation General Administration, Remote Sensing Authority, Forests National Corporation, University of Khartoum, Ministry of Livestock Fisheries & Range
And others representatives from various Government ministries and departments.
The Number of participants about 45 , 15 female - 30 male .
(5)Objectives of the workshop:-
- Highlight the national forest monitoring system (forests Reference Emissions Levels, greenhouse gases and inventory
- Inform stakeholders on the ongoing work on the REDD+ Forest Reference Emission Level
- to contribute towards the development of FREL/ FRL
- make stakeholders aware of international guidance that has been Proved on designing and constructing REDD+ Forest Reference Emission Level
- To discuss forests Reference (Emission) Levels option for Sudan , Share the UNFCCC requirement for FREL/FRL construction.
An opening remarks (3 speakers( was made by Mr. Mattisue , Dr. sayda khlil , REDD+ coordinator and Dr. Mohamed Ali Elhadi – General Director Forests National Corporation
Materials presented during workshop) 5 presentations by 5 Five speakers )Contained the following
Presentation (1): introduction to the forest Reference Levels, Presented by MS. Anwar Sidahmed Mohamed
Presentation (2) scope of FREL / FEl , Presented by Ms. Donna Lee
Presentation (3) choosing of forests definition for REDD+ FREL/FRLs Presented by Ms. Donna Lee
Presentation (4) Sudan National Forest Inventory – analysis of NFI samples
Presenter : Salah Yusif Badawi – NFI coordinator and Elyass Eldakk : FAO consultant
Presentation (5) Emission Factor , Presenter: MS. Rehab Ahmed Hassan – Higher council for Environment and natural resources