Mission from World Bank came to Sudan for REDD+ program .during April 8-12, 2018 The mission aimed to complete the process of the Additional grant and to gain solid grounding on the completed activities. The Schedule of visit included 4 meetings with some ministries as Forests National Corporation FNC Director General, Minister of Agriculture and Forests, Federal Ministry of Finance and Ministry Range and Pasture. Also it included Meeting with REDD+ Technical advisory committee T AC , 3 meeting s with Consultants, SESA consultants, Strategy Consultant, FGRM Consultants, 4 meeting s with REDD+ partners , Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO, Sudanese Environment Conservation Society SECS, United Nations Environment Programme UNEP , World Resources Institute WRI, And another Meeting with Sawa Sudan Organization for Development and Humanitarian Aids.REDD+ PMU introduced 7 presentations contained a number of issues such Presentation on progress, Monitoring framework, Communication, Safeguards, PMP Plan, Procurement, and Finance
The mission with PMU Team organized the Launch of Additional Fund AF on the Thursday 12th of April 2018 at Grand Holyday Villa , and attended by participants from the all key government, non -Govt officials and development partners, consultants and the World Bank
The launch started by the Koran then, Dr. Sayeda Khalil, Program Coordinator introduced Brief on Additional Financing Program.
The launch programme contained 4 opining remarks -The first remarks was made by: Ms. Dora N. Cudjoe World Bank Task Team Leader , the second opening word by UZ. Omer Hajam, Director General, Ministry of Finance the third remark was made by Dr. Adama CoulibalyWorld Bank Country Manager and the final remarks made by Dr. M. Ali Elhadi, Director General of the Forests National Corporation
This event included 2 presentation, one about Ghana exchange visit presented by Ms. Mona Mohamed, REDD+ Focal, Kordofan Sector , another Presentation about Niger visit presented by Ms. Hanadi Kamal Eldden, REDD+ Focal Point, Central Sector
The members of mission
Tracy Hart PhD, Senior Environmental Specialist, Environment & Natural Resources, Current TTL for both REDD+ and SSNRMP
Dora Nsuwa Cudjoe , Senior Environmental Specialist, Co-TTL for both REDD+ and SSNRMP
Dustin S Schinn , a Climate Change Specialist in the GEF’s Programs Unit