Wednesday, 26 December 2018 09:15

Workshop on Social and environmental safeguards for REDD+ , Northern Sector

A one day workshop was held on 26/12/2017 at the hall of the Integrated Training Centre in Eldamer where all relevant stakeholders in the northern state and River Nile State, The participants were formed from various institutions such as Ministry of Agriculture, Forests National Corporation FNC, Union of Producers of farmers

 Union of livestock production/ River Nile, Rangeland management , El Hudipa Forest Research Station,  Administration of the Territory ,  General Administration of the space

Legal Department,  Higher State Council for Environment and Natural Resources

representative of the local Leaders ,  protection of wildlife, Rangeland management

General Administration of the space, Legal Department , Desertification Research Institute

The Number of participants about 28, 5 female - 22 male.

Program of the workshop:

The workshop started by the Koran then, the director of the forests of River Nile state 

 a welcoming words to the participants and delivered a speech on forests and talked about the importance of the environment and the things around us, or resources as stated in the slogan of the United Nations ( forest for all people). He spoke about the reserved forests and how human is part of it and he has rights and duties and that natural resources (forests - the pastures - Wildlife - Agriculture) must be integrated and we should look for alternative sources of energy.

The Technical Advisor of the REDD+ Mr. balla Al-hussein, then spoke to the participants giving briefing about the REDD program, its objectives, establishment and progress in Sudan.

The main paper presented by Ms. Asia Adlan who talked about the concept of safeguards, what safeguards are and how to be implemented. She also talked about the potential negative impacts of programs and projects and how to predict these negative impacts with reference to the REDD+ program.

The number of recommendations 25 including the following:   

The conservation of the environment by maintaining the natural forests ,The participation of local communities in the management of forests and the conservation of their rights and duties ,         Resolve land disputes (forest land) , Promote the idea of a holistic farmer and its contribution to food security , Reduction of fires, overgrazing, and deforestation  , Combating desertification between the States ,Conservation indigenous trees  , The cultivation of crops in forest trees , Activating mechanisms that assist in the management of degraded natural resources  , Respect for the knowledge, and the rights of indigenous peoples  , Improving the environmental and social benefits of forest product utilization  , Adapt or avoiding the dangers of emissions resulting from the removal of forest degradation , Finding Energy Alternatives , Maintain the policies and respect for the regulations and traditions of the local community to prepare them to be consulted in the implementation of the projects, and Reduce the risk of mining and reduce the use of chemical materials that harm the environment.

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