A one-day workshop on environmental and social safeguards was conducted for the REDD+ relevant stakeholders in Eastern sector on the 5th of January, 2018 in Kassala and attended by participants from the three states of the sector (Kassala, Gadarif and Red Sea). The workshop was held in the Great Hall of Forest National Corporation in Kassala, under the chairmanship of the national forest management in kasla
The workshop attended by 38 people of the different stakeholders(Wildlife protection, The range land , Legal Department , The protection of the environment , Refugees, NGOs etc. ) from 3 states under Eastern Forest Sector (the Red Sea, kassala.and Ghedarf).
An opening remarks was made by The Director of the kassala forests, The focal point of the Forest Eastern Sector
The workshop included two working papers the First Paper on Accomplishments of the project until September 2017 introduced by Mr. Adel Ahmed Al Grai
The second paper on Safeguards presented by Ms. Asia Adlan
The discussion covered 7 points It is
- Laws (The existence, non-endorsement, execution, overlaps in responsibility between different actors)
- Destruction of the natural resources due to the lack of clarity of the governance at different levels of the state
- Political and sovereign interventions
- Conflicts on natural resources as a natural capital
- The lack of land use map that illustrate the demarcation between different sectors
- The existence of the disputes over the ownership of land and ownership of Hashab trees in the same area in some states
- Focus should be on certificate of land ownership for reserved forest despite the presence of the gazette