Super User

Super User

10August 2018

The workshop has been attended by a highly diversified team (54 participants) from the different States. the workshop was inaugurated by the Coordinator of SESA, Director of Protection and Safety Unit of the Civil Defense and General Director of NCR, National REDD+ Coordinator, Facilitator, General Director of FNC


The main objective was to identify environment and social impacts of the t REDD+ strategy options, propose mitigating measures where negative impacts are anticipated and propose measures to enhance the potential positive social and environment impacts of the proposed strategy options. Additional objectives of the consultations were to inform stakeholders of REDD+ and the SESA process and also endorse stakeholder’s views on causes of deforestation and forest degradation and their proposals to address them.


  1. FNC has introduced the sustainable management of forests and this should be applied in other sectors so as vast areas incorporate forest lands.
  2. Design of projects should comply with regulations of the World Bank.
  3. The strategy should make changes in the existing commercial agriculture in order to incorporate more forest belts (i.e the strategy should address the biological aspect).
  4. Consultation of politicians is important in the study (it might have devastating effects)
  5. Devises are important in adoption of alternative energy
  6. Forest belts could be used as safe livestock routes.
  7. In the forest sector, the private sector should be included in the strategy and loss of timber during harvesting should be reduced.

      8. in the agricultural sector of the strategic options, use of organic fertilizers to reduce emissions

  1. Implementation of the forest laws regarding the 5 and 10% is important.
  2. The study should make use of the Accessand Benefit Sharing (ABS) law.
  3. Alternative options for stabilization during mining requires cooperation between the sectors working in the environment and National Petroleum Company.
  4. Change of policy behavior that income comes from wood cutting to gum Arabic. Therefore, there should be kind of integration between REDD+, FNC and policy.
  5. There should be verification of the REDD+ project.
  6. Because the Gum Arabic Belt incorporates many activities such as agriculture, forests and mining, there should be more emphasis on the development of the gum Arabic belt in all relevant States.
  7. To spare more land for forests, adoption technologies (such as zero tillage) in commercial agriculture should be adopted.

    16 .  Use    of technologies  (e.g. fodder in the su mmer) in the animal sector will relief pressure on forest lands.

  1. To reduce pressure on forests, herders should be encouraged to adopt intensification of animal production (i.e. decrease animal number and increase output/ unit).
  2. For the study to be comprehensive, it should include decision makers.
  3. For ideal situations, the study should take into consideration of the successful forest management in Blue Nile and Darfur State.

     20.In States with fragile soils (e.g. North Kordofan) and the fact that 90% of the gum Arabic belt is owned by local community, policies should include regulations in use of implements and land use map. Involving local people is of para amount for sustainable forest      management. This has produced excellent management systems such as the Taungya

  1. Because land use is considered a social risk, the land use system should be clear and there should be more emphasis on land tenure.
  2. A decision on stopping the expansion of commercial agriculture needs to be taken.
  3. Funding could be based on the success of the forest belt.
  4. Because pasture is concentrated in safe areas (e.g. agricultural areas), expansion of animal routes is necessary to decrease pressure on agriculture.
  5. Supply of improved stoves is recommended as local people are not aware of using cooking gas.
  6. Re afforestation of range trees.
  7. Reduction of dispute on land tenure.
  8. Surveying all sectors that are involved in tree cutting outside protected forests and use of GRM to solve disputes.
  9. Use of culture diversity in setting the strategic options is important since in some cases, intervention of the government creates negative impact.
  10. Since the five strategic options are interrelated, there should be coordination between them and to come up with one comprehensive strategy.
  11. Because alternative energy does not exceed 20% while 80% of the energy comes from the biomass, there should be a sustainable energy source. This could come from cultivation strategy.
  12. Since strategic options assess the impact on end users, the invitation of all relevant politicians (e.g. Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Natural Resources, Higher Counsel of Environment) is important.

Duration: three days, Location: Paradis Hotel, Date: from 31 July to   2 August 2018

The Sudan REDD+ PMU  with approval from the TTL organised a three day training on Transformational leadership and Emotional Intelligence is designed to provide insights on how to make the leaders emotionally Intelligent Leaders for outstanding performance under the REDD+ Project

Objectives of the Training Workshop: The objective of the training course was to build the capacity of the Government staff in transformational leadership and emotional intelligence approaches to address the responsibilities/duties necessary for the successful implementation of the REDD+ readiness phases in Sudan. This objective can be attained through the following specific objectives:

Examine how transformational leadership and emotional intelligence are essentials to responsibilities/duties as leaders in the 21st Century;

  • Understand how to lead with certainty in complex environment;
  • I identify the characteristics and grasp the skills associated with transformational leadership and emotional intelligence;
  • Increase your impact and influence through systematic awareness and flexibility to deliver their mandate;
  • Learn how to transform managers or team members into transformational leaders and inspire organizational innovation;
  • Gain greater self-awareness, personal impact and confidence in your own strengths;
  • Connect and network with other leaders to share experiences learn from each other and challenge oneself to lead in an inspiring manner and achieve your mandate as a leader;

       • Create a personalized leadership development plan that will enable you hone your skills for a lifetime of leadership and professional success; and • Become trainers to train their team members

Monday, 31 December 2018 18:34

Awareness campaign on REDD+ at Al Gedaref

Date of the workshop: 24/7/2018

Place of workshop: Agricultural Technology Center , Saraf Said forest

Number of participants: 45 participants were formed from all stakeholders as Farmers Union, Union of shepherds, Women's Union, gum Arabic associations.

The workshop program included Speech the Manager of Forest at Al Gedaref and the main Presentation on the REDD program presented by Amani Ibrahim

The main recommendations

 Establishing  nurseries and citrus trees in the villages

 Supporting the associations of Beekeeping in village of the Saraf Said forest

 Increasing the  Cultivation of gum Arabic trees within the forests

 Supporting the gum Arabic associations

 Promote research & development the cultivation of Medicinal and aromatic plants

 Effective Utilization of Agricultural Waste for energy.

 Supporting alternatives energy for  replace Firewood  

Sunday, 30 December 2018 07:22

Awareness campaign on REDD+ at North kordfan

Date: 14 th July  2018

Venue: FNC hall - Um Rawaba  locality

Number of participants: 56  were formed from all stakeholders as Farmers Union, Union of shepherds, Women's Union, , Local administrations heads, major of Aljawama tribe   ,  gum Arabic associations , civil society organizations, Ministry of Agriculture

The workshop program included Speech

The Assistant Manager Forest, Um Rawaba locality

Address by the Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture in Um Rawaba locality

Major of Aljawama tribe

the focal point of  north kordfan

Speech the Manager of Forests at north  kordofan

Speech of the Um Rawaba locality in chair

 The main Presentation on the REDD program presented by Amani Ibrahim

The main recommendations

Provide alternatives for wood products and energy

Establishment the plant nurseries in the villages

Activating the forests law and forest role

Involvement the gum t into climate change programs

Provide the agriculture inputs

Rehabilitation of the gum belt

revival the Traditional administration such as sheikhs and mayors

The importance of providing water in the gum Arabic production areas for planting and caring for seedlings


Sunday, 30 December 2018 07:18

Awareness campaign on REDD+ at west kordfan

Date: 10 th July  2018

Venue: FNC hall - Al- Nuhud locality

Number of participants: 54  were formed from all stakeholders as Farmers Union, Union of shepherds, Women's Union, Youth Union, Local administrations heads  ,  gum Arabic associations , civil society organizations, villages committees, Ministry of Agriculture, regular forces, Wildlife

The workshop program included Speech the Manager of Forest at west kordofan and the main Presentation on the REDD program presented by Amani Ibrahim

The main outputs of The workshop

  • Establishment the plant nurseries in the villages
  • Cultivation the Hashab tree
  • Activating the forests law
Sunday, 30 December 2018 07:13

Awareness campaign on REDD+ at south kordfan

Date: 8 th July  2018

Venue: FNC hall - Al- Dilling  locality

Number of participants : 63

Facilitators: Amani Ibrahim Extension Department FNC headquarters, Abdallah Hagona the REDD+ focal point south kordfan ,  Shaimaa Salah Extension Department FNC headquarters

The workshop was attended by a number of relevant stakeholders including,  gum Arabic associations, Union of gum Arabic producers, Agricultural and livestock production associations, Youth Union, regular forces, Local administrations and communities, Women's Union and Women's Associations, Voluntary organizations, University of Dilling , Legislators, pastoralist , Media.

Workshop Program  Contained

Introduction on  REDD +  introduced by   

Speech  of the Manager of Forests at south kordofan

Speech  of  the representative of the Minister of Agriculture

Presentation on the REDD program presented by Amani Ibrahim

Speech the  in chair of Dilling locality

The workshop concluded by 14 recommendations such as

  • Provide energy alternatives and improved stoves
  • A partnership between the FNC and universities and agricultural research
  • Closer coordination between forestry, wildlife and livestock departments for  Establishment of Nature Reserves
  • involvement women in the activities of the REDD + programm
  • revival the Traditional administration such as sheikhs and mayors
  • Cultivation the Hashab tree
  • Organize the  gold  mining
  • Provide the animal feed, fodder crop.
  • Raising the environmental awareness of the regular forces
  • Waste treatment and environmental improvement
  • increase the reserved forests
  • Activating the implementation of the legal commitment in irrigated and rainfed schemes
  • conduct workshops for the civil and traditional administrations on forests law and legislation
  • income alternatives for coal and firewood producers

        Increase the human recourses as forest guards and observers

The workshop on awareness of REDD + was held on Monday 14/5/2018 at the Union of Teachers , Attended  by  the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Natural Resources. Saif al-Din Hassan  , General Director of the Ministry of Agriculture , Dr tohida  babker. And other participants   from the Ministry of Agriculture, FNC Gezira State , Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Gezira scheme, Agricultural Research, Natural Resources, Plant Protection, Farmers' Union, CSOs, Sudanese Environment Conservation Society, Student Union, Union of Shepherds and Rural Development, Local communities from the villages of Kordkili and Qoz al-Shukhibab , And the presence of a large number of media in the Jazeera state (Al Jazeera Green, SUNA, the Ministry of Agriculture. At the opening session of the workshop, speech from the Minister of Agriculture Explain the role of forests in conservation the environment and the importance of forests in increasing and sustaining agricultural production .Mr. Iman Mustafa Adawi, manager of Gezira State Forests introduced Enlightenment about REDD+ program .Ms. Amani Ibrahim - Forest extension , FNC headquarters and Mr. Sahl Mustafa,REDD+ M & E , presented a paper on the project objectives, project stages ,project partners and the next steps .

The workshop was attended by 67 participant

The workshop outputs

Community awareness of the REDD+ program

Popular participation in the restoration and conservation of forests

Mobilize communities and coordinate with relevant stakeholders

Date: 12 th May 2018

Venue:  Central Kosti Nursery

Number of participants: about 100 participant

The workshop was attended by a number of relevant stakeholders including the Ministry of Agriculture, the Legislative Council, the director of security and police, farmers' and pastoralist unions, directors of agricultural departments, civil society organizations, sheikhs and mayors  of gilee locality , Primary and secondary school teachers, media , FNC  staff ,  Heads of development committees from different localities, Media and press , Radio - Television - Echorouk TV

The workshop addressed some of the officials' opining remarks  and a paper entitled Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation presented by Ms. Amani Ibrahim FNC headquarters


  • involve community in forest management and protection
  • Conducting workshops in all localities of white Nile state
  • Enhancing adaptive capacity of communities
  • Working to gether to address climate risk and enhance resilience
Thursday, 27 December 2018 12:48

Awareness campaign on REDD+ at Blue Nile state

Date: 9 th May 2018

Venue:  The Legislative Council hall - Al-Rosairis locality

Number of participants : 89

The workshop was attended by a number of relevant stakeholders including: Minister of Agriculture, in charge of Al-Rosairis locality , Civil society organizations, Gum Arabic Associations , People from different localities , Traditional administration such as sheikhs and mayors , tribal leaders , Farmers' and pastoralist unions , Women's Union , Ministry of Agriculture departments , Media and press , Radio - Television - Echorouk TV

Workshop Program 

Opining remarks:  3 Speeches made by  the Minister of Agriculture, The manager of blue Nile  state forestry  and Leader of Blue Nile tribes.

The workshop addressed  one paper presented by Ms. Amani Ibrahim FNC headquarters

The main outputs of The workshop:

Protecting the cover trees from overcutting and overgrazing

Reduce Population pressure around forests

Increasing the afforestation and reforestation

Thursday, 27 December 2018 12:26

Awareness campaign on REDD+ at Sennar state

Date: 7th, May, 2018

Venue:  Sennar state, judicial authority hall

Number of participants: about 73  participant , were formed from all stakeholders as Farmers Union, Union of shepherds, Women's Union, Youth Union, Local administrations heads  of Kenana and Rofaa tribes ,  gum Arabic associations , Youth organizations and voluntary associations , villages committees, Women's associations in the state such as Hamdana Allah , Departments of the Ministry of Agriculture, National service , Security forces , 15. Wildlife forces, 16. The Legislative Council of the State, Some owners of private forests

Opening remarks of the workshop made by 3 speakers, the manager of Sennar state, the representative of the national coordinator of the REDD+   and the Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture

It was presented three papers included : 1)Environmental awareness about REDD+   program presented by  Ms. Amani Ibrahim , FNC headquarters 2)The concept of REDD+ programm introduced by  Mr. Sahl Mustafa,REDD+ M & E. 3)Views on some of the activities of the forests of Sennar State presented by  Ms Marwa Mohammed

The workshop outcomes

  • Focus on training and rehabilitation of extension and media staff
  • Increase community participation in forest management and protection
  • Encourage participation of women in the field of forest conservation 
  • Work on the preparation of land use map
  • Intensifying the role of community administrations in the cultivation and protection of forests
  • Promote investment in non-wood forest products
  • Sustainable production of forests by using biomass alternatives
  • Activating the implementation of the legal commitment in irrigated and rainfed schemes.
  • verification for lands registration and tenures and conflicts

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