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Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:54

World Bank Mission 2018

Mission from World Bank came to Sudan for REDD+ program .during April 8-12, 2018 The mission aimed to complete the process of the Additional grant and to gain solid grounding on the completed activities. The Schedule of visit included 4 meetings with some ministries as Forests National Corporation FNC Director General, Minister of Agriculture and Forests, Federal Ministry of Finance and Ministry Range and Pasture. Also  it included Meeting with REDD+ Technical advisory committee T AC , 3 meeting s with Consultants, SESA consultants, Strategy Consultant, FGRM Consultants,  4 meeting s with REDD+ partners ,  Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO, Sudanese Environment Conservation Society SECS, United Nations Environment Programme UNEP , World Resources Institute WRI, And another Meeting with Sawa Sudan Organization for Development and Humanitarian Aids.REDD+ PMU introduced 7 presentations contained a number of issues such Presentation on progress, Monitoring framework, Communication, Safeguards, PMP Plan, Procurement, and Finance

The mission with PMU Team organized the Launch of Additional Fund AF  on the Thursday 12th of April 2018 at  Grand Holyday Villa , and attended by participants from the all key government, non -Govt officials and development partners, consultants  and the World Bank

The launch started by the Koran then, Dr. Sayeda Khalil, Program  Coordinator introduced Brief on Additional Financing Program.

The launch programme contained 4 opining remarks -The first remarks was made by: Ms. Dora N. Cudjoe World Bank Task Team Leader ,  the second opening word   by UZ. Omer Hajam, Director General, Ministry of Finance the third remark was made by Dr. Adama CoulibalyWorld Bank Country Manager  and  the final remarks made by Dr. M. Ali Elhadi, Director General  of the Forests National Corporation

This event included 2 presentation,  one  about  Ghana exchange visit presented by Ms. Mona Mohamed, REDD+ Focal, Kordofan Sector ,  another Presentation about Niger visit presented by Ms. Hanadi Kamal Eldden, REDD+ Focal Point, Central Sector

The members of mission

Tracy Hart PhD, Senior Environmental Specialist, Environment & Natural Resources, Current TTL for both REDD+ and SSNRMP

Dora Nsuwa Cudjoe  , Senior Environmental Specialist, Co-TTL for both REDD+ and SSNRMP

Dustin S Schinn  , a Climate Change Specialist in the GEF’s Programs Unit

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and Forests National Corporation FNC and REDD+ PMU organized a two days’ workshop on forests Reference (Emission) Levels For REDD+ under the UNFCC at at the grand holiday villa - Khartoum –Sudan from 4-5 April 2018. The main purpose of the workshop is to engage all stakeholders to input on the REDD+ national strategy, which supported by Forest Carbon Partnership  .The representatives from all sectors were invited to participated, such as higher council for Environment and natural resources, Wildlife Conservation General Administration, Remote Sensing Authority, Forests National Corporation, University of Khartoum, Ministry of Livestock Fisheries & Range

And others representatives from various Government ministries and departments.

The Number  of  participants about 45  , 15 female  - 30 male .

(5)Objectives of the workshop:-

  • Highlight the national forest monitoring system  (forests Reference Emissions Levels, greenhouse gases and inventory
  • Inform stakeholders on the ongoing work on the REDD+ Forest Reference Emission Level
  • to contribute towards the development of FREL/ FRL
  • make stakeholders aware of international guidance that has been Proved on designing and constructing REDD+ Forest Reference Emission Level
  • To discuss forests Reference (Emission) Levels option for Sudan , Share the UNFCCC requirement for FREL/FRL construction.

    An opening remarks (3 speakers( was made by Mr. Mattisue  , Dr. sayda khlil , REDD+ coordinator and Dr. Mohamed Ali Elhadi – General Director Forests National  Corporation

    Materials presented during workshop)  5 presentations by 5 Five speakers )Contained the following

    Presentation (1): introduction to the forest Reference Levels,   Presented by MS. Anwar Sidahmed Mohamed

    Presentation (2) scope of FREL / FEl  , Presented by Ms. Donna Lee

    Presentation (3) choosing of forests definition for REDD+ FREL/FRLs    Presented by Ms. Donna Lee

    Presentation (4) Sudan  National Forest Inventory – analysis of NFI samples

    Presenter : Salah Yusif Badawi – NFI coordinator  and Elyass Eldakk : FAO consultant

    Presentation (5) Emission Factor , Presenter: MS. Rehab Ahmed Hassan  – Higher council for Environment and natural resources 

The one day workshop was organized in cooperation with the national REDD+ Secretariat and   Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) at   Corinthia Hotel (Souba Hall), Khartoum. The workshop was attended by 36 participants included Representatives from various institutions related to the management of natural resources

workshop was facilitated by the Forests National Corporation FNC and REDD+ coordination unit. This workshop aimed to identify possible objectives and policy requirements of the REDD+ MRV and NFMS, the roles/responsibilities of key institutions relevant to REDD+ MRV, as well as an assessment of gaps, overlaps and training/procurement needs and proposed coordination mechanisms amongst those institutions.

An opening remarks was made by Dr El Hadi – General Manager, Forests National Corporation (FNC). He welcomed the participants and introduced the role of the FNC in Design of a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System, Institutional arrangements and gap analysis,And Mr Babagana Ahmadu – FAO Representative - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

According to the program of the workshop Ms. Rehab Ahmed Hassan, Coordinator National Communications under UNFCCC, Higher Council for Environment and National Resources, Presented paper titled Sudan and its commitments in the framework of UNFCCC

Dr. Syada. Khalil, Coordinator of the Sudan REDD+ program updated the gathering on the achievements of REDD+ Programme in Sudan

Mr. Matthias Lichtenberger, Chief Technical Advisor provided his presentation on Development of a MRV system for the Sudan

Mr. Abdelhamid Hamid, FAO Regional Office in Cairo introduced Presentation about key findings and recommendations on institutional arrangements and gap analysis for the design of a MRV system

A one-day workshop on environmental and social safeguards was conducted for the REDD+ relevant stakeholders  in Darfur sector on the 7th of February, 2018 in North Darfur  province (El Fashir) and attended by participants from the Five states of the sector (Northern, Western, Eastern, Southern and Central Darfur). The workshop was held in the Great Hall of El Fashir University. It was sponsored by his Excellency, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development of Northern Darfur State, who honored the workshop by his presence, as well as to the presence of the Director General of the ministry, who attended all the proceedings of the workshop.The proceedings of the workshop were held in the Great Hall of Alhaj Sidig Adam of the University of Al Fashir., under the chairmanship of Mr. Abdel Wahed Youssef Ibrahim,  Wali North Darfur State and the supervision of Mr. Mohamed breima Hassab Al Nabi, minister of agriculture and animal husbandry in the state.

The Number of participants about 67,  17 female - 50 male

The opening session:

The workshop started by the Koran then the welcoming words by the director of the forests of North Darfur  who welcome all the participants who came from the different darfur states and Khartoum. Followed by speeches from  Mr. Burai Bala the technical adviser of the REDD+ Program, Mr. Sadiq Daw Al beit  head of the office of civil administration in north Darfur, and the director general of the Ministry of Agriculture and livestock and the environment represented by the Minister of Agriculture and the President of the legislative council, North Darfur, Mr. Issa Mohammed Abdullah.

During the opening session an educational drama about climate change and deforestation was presented to the workshop audience by Al Fashir’s Star for comedian.

The second Session:

The second session started at 12:00 noon and chaired by Mr Burai Balla. Two papers were presented in this session. The first one presented by the REDD+ Regional Focal Point for Darfur, Ms Amna Jumaa. The second one is about Environmental and social safeguards presented by Ms. Asia Adlan, the REDD+ Safeguards Specialist.


  1. The establishment of a workshop for politicians and legislatures and decision-makers.
  2. Lowering environmental and social safeguards workshop to the states and then to then to localities

By funded from The World Food Program WFP , Eco-Sudan organization has implemented a project on distribution seedlings to schools within the framework of the Seeding Program for the Development of Sustainable School Feeding in North Kordofan State, in three localities

Bara locality  ,  (Albashiri and Mgiseiba and Abdul Razek)

Shikan locality   (Um Hijilija)

West Bara locality (saata shambol)

Eco-Sudan organization a key member of the platform of civil society organizations and voluntary organizations, Therefore, REDD+   program participated by introduced  an overview on REDD+ and Distributed promotional   materials such as T shirts, pens, caps , publications , Notebooks  

A one day workshop on environmental and social safeguards held in Medani the capital of Al Gizera on Wednesday, January 17th , 2018 in the presence of representatives of the minister of agriculture in the state, National Coordinator of the program of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+), Focal Point the Forest Central sector, managers and representatives of the states of Al Gizera, the White Nile, Blue Nile and Sinnar is the presence of the representatives of the Association relevant to the above mentioned states. The overall attendance was 44 participants.

At the opening session of the workshop, speech from the focal point of the central sector, the director of the State Forest in Al Gizera, the National Coordinator of the Program and his Excellency the Minister of Agriculture in Al Gizera state.

The main paper of the workshop was presented by Ms. Asia Adlan (the program specialist of the social and environmental safeguards). The title of the paper is: the environmental and social safeguards for reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD+). Then the floor was opened for discussion, availing sufficient time for all participants to give their views.

The number of recommendations in this workshop about 20 including the following

Focus on training and guidance and information

Work to resolve conflicts on the level of governance

Work on the dissemination of information relating to the program to build trust with the communities

Targeting the wooded resources (NES to its economic, social and environmental impact with the work on the protection of this resource locally and internationally (gum arabic).

A one-day workshop on environmental and social safeguards was conducted for the REDD+ relevant stakeholders  in Kordofan sector on the 10th of January, 2018 in North Kordofan province (El Obeid) and attended by participants from the three states of the sector (Northern, Western and Southern Kordofan). The workshop was held in the Great Hall of agricultural research corporation. It was sponsored by his Excellency, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development of Northern Kordofan State, who honored the workshop by his presence, as well as to the presence of the Director General of the ministry, who attended all the proceedings of the workshop. The Number of participants About 63, 10 female - 53 male. The workshop started by the Koran then the welcoming words by the manger of the forests of North Kordofan. Then a speech  from the ministry of agriculture which represented by Mr. Massoud Mohammad Masood Ministry Director General, who welcome everyone and announcing the opening of the workshop, then he spoke about the REDD+ program and the importance of defining all of its objectives and also talked about climate change impacts in general on the local, national and international level, giving highlights of COP23.

The workshop included 2 working papers

The first paper About the program and its achievements presented by focal point , The second paper on Safeguards presented by Ms. Asia Adlan-

The workshop concluded by 11 recommendations as Sustainable forest management to follow up work in the program and guarantees continuity ,Encourage the investors and private sector to afforestation , development of community organizations in the REDD+ program , The involvement of the Department of Education in REDD+  program

 , The fight against desertification and forest planting in the belts , establishment of various associations for the cultivation of forest trees and motivate them to do that ,  establishment of forest Maps  and conduct meetings at the state level of the different states to build the capacity of the relevant stakeholders on safeguards

A one-day workshop on environmental and social safeguards was conducted for the REDD+ relevant stakeholders in Eastern sector on the 5th of January, 2018 in Kassala and attended by participants from the three states of the sector (Kassala, Gadarif and Red Sea). The workshop was held in the Great Hall of Forest National Corporation in Kassala, under the chairmanship of the national forest management in kasla

The workshop attended by 38 people   of  the different stakeholders(Wildlife protection,   The range land , Legal Department ,  The protection of the environment , Refugees, NGOs etc. ) from   3 states under  Eastern Forest Sector (the Red Sea, kassala.and Ghedarf).

An opening remarks   was made by The Director of the kassala forests, The focal point of the Forest Eastern Sector

The workshop included two working papers   the First Paper on Accomplishments of the project until September 2017 introduced by Mr. Adel Ahmed Al Grai

The second paper on Safeguards presented by Ms. Asia Adlan

The discussion covered 7 points It is

  • Laws (The existence, non-endorsement, execution, overlaps in responsibility between different actors)
  • Destruction of the natural resources due to the lack of clarity of the governance at different levels of the state
  • Political and sovereign interventions
  • Conflicts on natural resources as a natural capital
  • The lack of land use map that illustrate the demarcation between different sectors
  • The existence of the disputes over the ownership of land and ownership of Hashab trees in the same area in some states
  • Focus should be on certificate of land ownership for reserved forest despite the presence of the gazette

The subsidiary body of Syndicate, Women's Association and REDD+ programme organized celebration on the Independence Day On Wednesday 3  Jan 2018 at the Forest National corporation

Speakers during this ceremony are The representative of the subsidiary body of Syndicate, the representative of the Syndicate - the state of Khartoum, the representative of the Women's Association,  Dr. Kamil Shawqi, and Dr  Mohamed Ali El Hady  General Director of the Forest National corporation

A one day workshop was held on 26/12/2017 at the hall of the Integrated Training Centre in Eldamer where all relevant stakeholders in the northern state and River Nile State, The participants were formed from various institutions such as Ministry of Agriculture, Forests National Corporation FNC, Union of Producers of farmers

 Union of livestock production/ River Nile, Rangeland management , El Hudipa Forest Research Station,  Administration of the Territory ,  General Administration of the space

Legal Department,  Higher State Council for Environment and Natural Resources

representative of the local Leaders ,  protection of wildlife, Rangeland management

General Administration of the space, Legal Department , Desertification Research Institute

The Number of participants about 28, 5 female - 22 male.

Program of the workshop:

The workshop started by the Koran then, the director of the forests of River Nile state 

 a welcoming words to the participants and delivered a speech on forests and talked about the importance of the environment and the things around us, or resources as stated in the slogan of the United Nations ( forest for all people). He spoke about the reserved forests and how human is part of it and he has rights and duties and that natural resources (forests - the pastures - Wildlife - Agriculture) must be integrated and we should look for alternative sources of energy.

The Technical Advisor of the REDD+ Mr. balla Al-hussein, then spoke to the participants giving briefing about the REDD program, its objectives, establishment and progress in Sudan.

The main paper presented by Ms. Asia Adlan who talked about the concept of safeguards, what safeguards are and how to be implemented. She also talked about the potential negative impacts of programs and projects and how to predict these negative impacts with reference to the REDD+ program.

The number of recommendations 25 including the following:   

The conservation of the environment by maintaining the natural forests ,The participation of local communities in the management of forests and the conservation of their rights and duties ,         Resolve land disputes (forest land) , Promote the idea of a holistic farmer and its contribution to food security , Reduction of fires, overgrazing, and deforestation  , Combating desertification between the States ,Conservation indigenous trees  , The cultivation of crops in forest trees , Activating mechanisms that assist in the management of degraded natural resources  , Respect for the knowledge, and the rights of indigenous peoples  , Improving the environmental and social benefits of forest product utilization  , Adapt or avoiding the dangers of emissions resulting from the removal of forest degradation , Finding Energy Alternatives , Maintain the policies and respect for the regulations and traditions of the local community to prepare them to be consulted in the implementation of the projects, and Reduce the risk of mining and reduce the use of chemical materials that harm the environment.

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