During the period 14- 15 Mar 2017 a consultative discussion forum at Forest National Corporation (FNC) was convened to provide an input to craft a Draft Functional Forest Definition for Sudan within the context of REDD+. This consultative (discussion) forum was facilitated by Mr. John Fonweban an FAO expert And brought together 35

Tuesday, 07 March 2017 13:08

Communication Training Workshop

The REDD+ programme implemented Training Workshop on how to develop and implement the communication strategy and work plan The workshop was held at 7 March 2017 in the National Forests corporation. The workshop aimed To train participants on how to develop and implement a communication strategy & Plan and  Obtain

The second stage of consultation and discussion

The second national workshop for focal points to clear the road map of the second phase of consultation and discussion

Workshop consultation and discussion held at 25\4\2016 in El Gadaref State.it was attended by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Irrigation, Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Head of Technical Affairs for Forests National corporation ,Head of the Agricultural Committee at Legislative Council. The first paper contained A

On 13 July 2017 Sudan's REDD+ programme PMU was Held validation workshop of developing Benefit-Sharing mechanism Study in at the Forests national corporation Headquarter of the REDD+ Programme. The objectives of the workshop were as follows:

on 13 June 2017 REDD+ programme PMU was Held The validation workshop Of land Use & land tenure study in at the Headquarter of the REDD+ Programme PMU Khartoum Under The Auspices Of the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry. the objective of This event to Discuss the results of the report .the Study carried out by Consultant in the

Tuesday, 16 May 2017 12:09

Khartoum State Consultation workshop

The workshop was held on Tuesday 16/5/2017 at the Legislative Council of Khartoum State Under the Auspices President of the Legislative Council of the Khartoum State )Sadiq Ali Al Shaikh(.the workshop was attended by the Minister of Agriculture  and forestry, the Minister of Agriculture of Khartoum state , and the President of the Higher

REDD+ Programme was held  validation workshop for communication Strategy on 10 May 2017 in forests national corporation. The  Workshop Aimed at Taking views in the strategy .the participants  Included  technical Advisory committee , line ministries, Non Government organizations, Forests National corporation (general Manager, chairs of

Deforestation and forest degradation (D&D) are a major issue in the developing country such as Sudan. In order to address the issues of D&D, identification of direct and indirect drivers for deforestation and forest degradation is of prime importance. The UN-REDD Sudan National Program has launched a nationwide study to identify such

Along with their on-going efforts to promote the training sector and as one of their main areas of focus, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation programme (REDD+) & Forest National Corporation (FNC) contracted the College of Forestry and Range Science in collaboration with College of Geoinformatics, Future

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