The fifth Steering Committee Meeting of the REDD+

On 30 august 2020 members of the Steering Committee of the REDD+ Program convened the The fifth Meeting of the committee at the Gum Arabic Hall, Forests National Corporation (FNC) In Khartoum. The…

Riverine Workshop

In the framework of the general policy of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation on Riverine forests, the Riverine Workshop was held in Sennar state on 4 March 2020. The…

Green Twons programme ,Tendality ,  White Nile State

An Urban afforestation workshop has taken place successfully in  the White Nile State in the city of Tendlati which is a small town in White Nile State, Central Sudan. Tendelti is an…

Private Sector Engagement in REDD+ Processes for Sudan’s REDD+ Program ,Validation Workshop

A workshop entitled ‘Private Sector Engagement in REDD+ Processes for Sudan’s REDD+ Program’ was organized in  18 December 2019 by the REDD+ PMU
 An overall objective of the Workshop: This…

مسابقة السودان للصور

لبنك الدولى وبرنامج خفض الانبعاثات الناتجة عن إزالة وتدهور الغابات ومشروع الإدارة المستدامة للموارد

World Bank Mission November, 2019

From November 16 to 22, 2019, a World Bank carried   out   the   implementation support mission of the Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) programme in…

Stronger institutional capacities for better forest monitoring and planning in Sudan, Workshops for SFMS Institutional Capacity Needs and Gaps Assessment

To facilitate the formulation of the National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) Action Plan in Sudan, a two-day consultation workshop was organized in Khartoum, Sudan on 6 - 7 October 2019 at the Grand…

Training workshop on the monitoring and mapping of forest fires

Fire management workshop was held in forests National Corporation Sahel Center during the period 7-12/ 9 / 2019 within the framework of the Sudan forest management. Fire Mapping for Sustainable…

Gum belt Workshop, El-Obeid-North Kordofan  State , February 7-8, 2019

The gumbelt workshop was held in Al-Obeid, the capital of North Kordofan State in February 7-8, 2019 within the framework of the overall program of reduction of emissions from deforestation and…

Mangrove Forest Workshop, Port Sudan-Red Sea state, January 21 -25 /2019

The mangrove workshop and the accompanying programs were held in the city of Port-Sudan, Red Sea State - Sudan during the period 21-24 January 2019. The general aim of the workshop was to identify…

Steering Committee ,  Meeting NO, 4

In line with REDD+ program organizational set up and Governance requirement the periodic steering committee meeting NO (4) was held on January 17th 2019.
The meeting was headed by The State Minister…

The R-Package study, self-assessment process

The Readiness Assessment Package (R-Package) is a major milestone and comes at the transition stage from REDD+ readiness preparation to piloting performance-based activities. The R-Package is an…

Internship Program

PMU of REDD+ program organized a meeting with the researchers under internship Program at 28 November 2018 in gum Arabic hall, Forests National  Corporation. It was attended by researchers (6) and…

Workshop on Wildfire Management and Monitoring in Sudan October, 30, 2018

The workshop were aimed  to identify the status of existing knowledge related to wildfire of the Sudan; discuss the different programmes of wildfires management, and appropriate network…

Awareness campaign For REDD+ programmer  ,Red sea state, 3 October 2018

The workshop was took place on 3 October 2018, elkhaber hall for international conference, Red sea
The workshop was attended by 72.
53 male.
 The participant involve wide spectrum of…

Validation Workshop  for Developing Feedback and Grievance Redress Mechanism study (FGRM) for Sudan’s REDD+ Programm

27 September 2018
This workshop was intended as a validation workshop for the study of "Developing Feedback and Grievance Redress Mechanism, (FGRM) for Sudan’s REDD+ Programme" undertaken under…

World Bank Mission September, 2018

Mission from World Bank came to Sudan for REDD+ program .during September 16- October 1 , 2018,.
Aimed for reviewing the implementation of the Phase one and progress on implementation of the second…

Awareness campaign on REDD+   at The Nile River

Date of the workshop: 12/ 9/ 2018
Venue:  National Training Center, River Nile State
Number of participants : 66 participant were formed from NGOs organization, government departments and The…

Regional Exchange Workshop on Designing and implementing the REDD+ Strategy and Emissions Reduction Program

16 – 18 September 2018
REDD+ Sudan Regional workshop was organized during the period 16 – 18 September 2018, in Khartoum, at The Grand Holiday Villa Hotel. A total of 100 participants have…

Exchange Visit of the Sudanese REDD+ Colleagues in Ethiopia National REDD+ Secretariat, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MEFCC)

September 2- 8 /2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Within the frame work of the south –south exchange learning visits a delegation from the Govt of Sudan REDD Readiness program was conduct visit to…

Development of the Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA), Validation Workshop on  “Stakeholders Validation of SESA Study

10August 2018
The workshop has been attended by a highly diversified team (54 participants) from the different States. the workshop was inaugurated by the Coordinator of SESA, Director of Protection…

Training workshop on Transformational leadership and emotional intelligence master class

Duration: three days, Location: Paradis Hotel, Date: from 31 July to   2 August 2018
The Sudan REDD+ PMU  with approval from the TTL organised a three day training on Transformational leadership…

Awareness campaign on REDD+ at Al Gedaref

Date of the workshop: 24/7/2018
Place of workshop: Agricultural Technology Center , Saraf Said forest
Number of participants: 45 participants were formed from all stakeholders as Farmers Union,

Awareness campaign on REDD+ at North  kordfan

Date: 14 th July  2018
Venue: FNC hall - Um Rawaba  locality
Number of participants: 56  were formed from all stakeholders as Farmers Union, Union of shepherds, Women's Union, , Local…

Awareness campaign on REDD+ at west kordfan

Date: 10 th July  2018
Venue: FNC hall - Al- Nuhud locality
Number of participants: 54  were formed from all stakeholders as Farmers Union, Union of shepherds, Women's Union, Youth Union, Local…

Awareness campaign on REDD+ at south kordfan

Date: 8 th July  2018
Venue: FNC hall - Al- Dilling  locality
Number of participants : 63
Facilitators: Amani Ibrahim Extension Department FNC headquarters, Abdallah Hagona the REDD+ focal point…

Awareness campaign For REDD+ programmer ,  Gezira state

The workshop on awareness of REDD + was held on Monday 14/5/2018 at the Union of Teachers , Attended  by  the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Natural Resources. Saif al-Din Hassan  ,

Awareness campaign on REDD+ at White Nile state

Date: 12 th May 2018
Venue:  Central Kosti Nursery
Number of participants: about 100 participant
The workshop was attended by a number of relevant stakeholders including the Ministry of…

Awareness campaign on REDD+ at Blue Nile state

Date: 9 th May 2018
Venue:  The Legislative Council hall - Al-Rosairis locality
Number of participants : 89
The workshop was attended by a number of relevant stakeholders including: Minister of…

Awareness campaign on REDD+ at  Sennar state

Date: 7th, May, 2018
Venue:  Sennar state, judicial authority hall
Number of participants: about 73  participant , were formed from all stakeholders as Farmers Union, Union of shepherds, Women's…

Workshop on Forest Reference Level for Sudan REDD+ under the UNFCC

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and Forests National Corporation FNC and REDD+ PMU organized a two days’ workshop on forests Reference (Emission) Levels For REDD+

Support for the Design of a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System, Institutional arrangements and gap analysis, 1 March 2018

The one day workshop was organized in cooperation with the national REDD+ Secretariat and   Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) at   Corinthia Hotel (Souba Hall),

Workshop on  Social and Environmental Safeguards  for REDD+ , Darfur Sector

A one-day workshop on environmental and social safeguards was conducted for the REDD+ relevant stakeholders  in Darfur sector on the 7th of February, 2018 in North Darfur  province (El Fashir) and…

Participation of REDD+ in the Development of Sustainable School Feeding , seedling project , in North Kordofan State, 4 February 2018

By funded from The World Food Program WFP , Eco-Sudan organization has implemented a project on distribution seedlings to schools within the framework of the Seeding Program for the Development of…

Workshop on  Social and Environmental Safeguards  for REDD+ , Central sector

A one day workshop on environmental and social safeguards held in Medani the capital of Al Gizera on Wednesday, January 17th , 2018 in the presence of representatives of the minister of agriculture…

Workshop on  Social and Environmental Safeguards  for REDD+ , Kordofan Sector

A one-day workshop on environmental and social safeguards was conducted for the REDD+ relevant stakeholders  in Kordofan sector on the 10th of January, 2018 in North Kordofan province (El Obeid) and…

Workshop on  Social and Environmental Safeguards  for REDD+ ,Eastern Sector

A one-day workshop on environmental and social safeguards was conducted for the REDD+ relevant stakeholders in Eastern sector on the 5th of January, 2018 in Kassala and attended by participants from…

Participation of the REDD+ in the celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the independence of the Sudan

The subsidiary body of Syndicate, Women's Association and REDD+ programme organized celebration on the Independence Day On Wednesday 3  Jan 2018 at the Forest National corporation
Speakers during…

Workshop on  Social and environmental safeguards  for REDD+ , Northern Sector

A one day workshop was held on 26/12/2017 at the hall of the Integrated Training Centre in Eldamer where all relevant stakeholders in the northern state and River Nile State, The participants were…

Participation of the  REDD+ in the exhibition of the Agriculture and Horticulture Association at Um Mabd School of the African Council Schools , 13-12- 2017

REDD+ programme participated in the annual exhibition of Um Mabed School for Girls in Khartoum, Riyadh, within the African Council Schools  
REDD+ programme with corporation the Association of…

Training Workshop on Climate Change

17-22 Dec. 2017
This training workshop Organized by the work Bank and in collaboration with REDD+ programme, this workshop lead by Prof. Elfatih Althir . and facilitated by Dr. Mudather Zaroug.the…

Previous Next Play Pause
The fifth Steering Committee Meeting of the REDD+ The fifth Steering Committee Meeting of the REDD+
Riverine Workshop Riverine Workshop
Green Twons programme ,Tendality ,  White Nile State Green Twons programme ,Tendality , White Nile State
Private Sector Engagement in REDD+ Processes for Sudan’s REDD+ Program ,Validation Workshop Private Sector Engagement in REDD+ Processes for Sudan’s REDD+ Program ,Validation Workshop
مسابقة السودان للصور مسابقة السودان للصور
World Bank Mission November, 2019 World Bank Mission November, 2019
Stronger institutional capacities for better forest monitoring and planning in Sudan, Workshops for SFMS Institutional Capacity Needs and Gaps Assessment Stronger institutional capacities for better forest monitoring and planning in Sudan, Workshops for SFMS Institutional Capacity Needs and Gaps Assessment
Training workshop on the monitoring and mapping of forest fires Training workshop on the monitoring and mapping of forest fires
Gum belt Workshop, El-Obeid-North Kordofan  State , February 7-8, 2019 Gum belt Workshop, El-Obeid-North Kordofan State , February 7-8, 2019
Mangrove Forest Workshop, Port Sudan-Red Sea state, January 21 -25 /2019 Mangrove Forest Workshop, Port Sudan-Red Sea state, January 21 -25 /2019
Steering Committee ,  Meeting NO, 4 Steering Committee , Meeting NO, 4
The R-Package study, self-assessment process The R-Package study, self-assessment process
Internship Program Internship Program
Workshop on Wildfire Management and Monitoring in Sudan October, 30, 2018 Workshop on Wildfire Management and Monitoring in Sudan October, 30, 2018
Awareness campaign For REDD+ programmer  ,Red sea state, 3 October 2018 Awareness campaign For REDD+ programmer ,Red sea state, 3 October 2018
Validation Workshop  for Developing Feedback and Grievance Redress Mechanism study (FGRM) for Sudan’s REDD+ Programm Validation Workshop for Developing Feedback and Grievance Redress Mechanism study (FGRM) for Sudan’s REDD+ Programm
World Bank Mission September, 2018 World Bank Mission September, 2018
Awareness campaign on REDD+   at The Nile River Awareness campaign on REDD+ at The Nile River
Regional Exchange Workshop on Designing and implementing the REDD+ Strategy and Emissions Reduction Program Regional Exchange Workshop on Designing and implementing the REDD+ Strategy and Emissions Reduction Program
Exchange Visit of the Sudanese REDD+ Colleagues in Ethiopia National REDD+ Secretariat, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MEFCC) Exchange Visit of the Sudanese REDD+ Colleagues in Ethiopia National REDD+ Secretariat, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MEFCC)
Development of the Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA), Validation Workshop on  “Stakeholders Validation of SESA Study Development of the Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA), Validation Workshop on “Stakeholders Validation of SESA Study
Training workshop on Transformational leadership and emotional intelligence master class Training workshop on Transformational leadership and emotional intelligence master class
Awareness campaign on REDD+ at Al Gedaref Awareness campaign on REDD+ at Al Gedaref
Awareness campaign on REDD+ at North  kordfan Awareness campaign on REDD+ at North kordfan
Awareness campaign on REDD+ at west kordfan Awareness campaign on REDD+ at west kordfan
Awareness campaign on REDD+ at south kordfan Awareness campaign on REDD+ at south kordfan
Awareness campaign For REDD+ programmer ,  Gezira state Awareness campaign For REDD+ programmer , Gezira state
Awareness campaign on REDD+ at White Nile state Awareness campaign on REDD+ at White Nile state
Awareness campaign on REDD+ at Blue Nile state Awareness campaign on REDD+ at Blue Nile state
Awareness campaign on REDD+ at  Sennar state Awareness campaign on REDD+ at Sennar state
Workshop on Forest Reference Level for Sudan REDD+ under the UNFCC Workshop on Forest Reference Level for Sudan REDD+ under the UNFCC
Support for the Design of a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System, Institutional arrangements and gap analysis, 1 March 2018 Support for the Design of a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System, Institutional arrangements and gap analysis, 1 March 2018
Workshop on  Social and Environmental Safeguards  for REDD+ , Darfur Sector Workshop on Social and Environmental Safeguards for REDD+ , Darfur Sector
Participation of REDD+ in the Development of Sustainable School Feeding , seedling project , in North Kordofan State, 4 February 2018 Participation of REDD+ in the Development of Sustainable School Feeding , seedling project , in North Kordofan State, 4 February 2018
Workshop on  Social and Environmental Safeguards  for REDD+ , Central sector Workshop on Social and Environmental Safeguards for REDD+ , Central sector
Workshop on  Social and Environmental Safeguards  for REDD+ , Kordofan Sector Workshop on Social and Environmental Safeguards for REDD+ , Kordofan Sector
Workshop on  Social and Environmental Safeguards  for REDD+ ,Eastern Sector Workshop on Social and Environmental Safeguards for REDD+ ,Eastern Sector
Participation of the REDD+ in the celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the independence of the Sudan Participation of the REDD+ in the celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the independence of the Sudan
Workshop on  Social and environmental safeguards  for REDD+ , Northern Sector Workshop on Social and environmental safeguards for REDD+ , Northern Sector
Participation of the  REDD+ in the exhibition of the Agriculture and Horticulture Association at Um Mabd School of the African Council Schools , 13-12- 2017 Participation of the REDD+ in the exhibition of the Agriculture and Horticulture Association at Um Mabd School of the African Council Schools , 13-12- 2017
Training Workshop on Climate Change Training Workshop on Climate Change

Editor's picks

The fifth Steering Committee Meeting of the REDD+

On 30 august 2020 members of the Steering…

Riverine Workshop

In the framework of the general policy of…

Green Twons programme ,Tendality ,  White Nile State

An Urban afforestation workshop has taken place…



Lastest news


Latest Documents

- Assessment of Implications of Gold Mining on ForestVegetation Cover (Download)
- The REDD+ Gender_Strategy Translation Completed on 01 Jan 2022 (Download)
- Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (Download)
- REDD+ Program Bilingual Green Glossary 2021 (3) (Download)
- Quantification of Driver of REDD+ Activities (Download)
- Private Sector Engagment (Download)
- Private Sector Engagment Arabic (Download)
- C-Quantifying Change of LULCC Using GIS and RS Technique As of Jul 2021 - Clean Edited Version (Download)

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